dimarts, 5 de febrer del 2008

The Haunted House

You will say I'm superstitious, but finding myself in front of a bare black tree, surrounded by nasty huge bats, with a big full moon in the sky and a black cat staring at me... well, that's not what I would call a good omen. I had been looking for mushrooms all day in my favourite forest, and by the time I should have been home I found myself lost, with this panorama in front of me.

I had no idea what to do, so i decided to walk, no matter where. Everywhere would be better than that place - how innocent I was! -. Some time later, I saw a hill in the distance, wich had an enormous castle on its top. It was certainly a scary castle, a really old one, encircled by a rusty fence, and there wasn't any light in the windows. Despite this, I had nothing to lose, so I decided to enter the house and try to find a phone.

Luckily, the door was open. The house was even more dreadful inside, but I can't tell why I had this feeling. That's because I couldn't see or hear a thing. I felt a weird hollow inside, the same way as if I had perished. I was completely down, beaten by that sensation when, suddenly, I heard a horrifying shriek coming from downstaris. At that very moment, I saw a door opening in front of me, and in the door there was a disgusting old woman, limping with a large knife in her hand. No one will believe me, but there was blood all around her, in her clothes and also in her knife. And I can assure it wasn't hers.

I ignore if she followed me in my rush out the house, because I didn't dare to look back. Eventually, I found the way home, and I got there in less than thirty minutes. And guess what? There was a bloody knife leaning on the door...

4 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Jo si no es en català no puc comentar res, ja que quasi no entenc l'angleès, però aquí et deixo la meva firma.


oru_llona ha dit...

I also get A's in my compositions....


You are a good storyteller, Ivan, I still remember the tale you told us in class.... (I love being told tales)

Anònim ha dit...

rei, a mi ara mateix em fa amndra lo de les 5 amualitats...no tinc temps ni idees... :(


mOntse ha dit...

Ho has escrit tu??