Algun dia havia de sortir a la llum... Ole!
diumenge, 24 de febrer del 2008
divendres, 15 de febrer del 2008
Johanne's Apocalypse, ch. 13, 1-4

Then I saw one beast come out of the ocean. It had 10 horns and 7 heads, each horn having a crown, and each head having a name in contempt of God... To have the power to give to the beast, the dragon was worshipped the beast as well, and said, "Who can become like this beast? Who can oppose the beast, and fight him?
(quina greu tallar-li el cap al bo del doctor Tenma, però és que sinó es veia molt petit...)
(quina greu tallar-li el cap al bo del doctor Tenma, però és que sinó es veia molt petit...)
dimarts, 5 de febrer del 2008
The Haunted House
You will say I'm superstitious, but finding myself in front of a bare black tree, surrounded by nasty huge bats, with a big full moon in the sky and a black cat staring at me... well, that's not what I would call a good omen. I had been looking for mushrooms all day in my favourite forest, and by the time I should have been home I found myself lost, with this panorama in front of me.
I had no idea what to do, so i decided to walk, no matter where. Everywhere would be better than that place - how innocent I was! -. Some time later, I saw a hill in the distance, wich had an enormous castle on its top. It was certainly a scary castle, a really old one, encircled by a rusty fence, and there wasn't any light in the windows. Despite this, I had nothing to lose, so I decided to enter the house and try to find a phone.
Luckily, the door was open. The house was even more dreadful inside, but I can't tell why I had this feeling. That's because I couldn't see or hear a thing. I felt a weird hollow inside, the same way as if I had perished. I was completely down, beaten by that sensation when, suddenly, I heard a horrifying shriek coming from downstaris. At that very moment, I saw a door opening in front of me, and in the door there was a disgusting old woman, limping with a large knife in her hand. No one will believe me, but there was blood all around her, in her clothes and also in her knife. And I can assure it wasn't hers.
I ignore if she followed me in my rush out the house, because I didn't dare to look back. Eventually, I found the way home, and I got there in less than thirty minutes. And guess what? There was a bloody knife leaning on the door...

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